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Global swatches Attribute Order


We have an issue with the settings in the swatches plugin.

The following is the setting:

The products have 2 attributes (color and size) and 1 of them (color) is used with the image feature.

By the individual product this also works as intended (as seen in the next 2 pictures)

Screenshot 2024-04-16 163710.png

Screenshot 2024-04-16 163820.png


However this is where we get an issue. The products are imported and synchronised via a 3rd party program. So the order of the Attributes can vary. Sometimes the color is first, sometimes the size is first. The values are attributed correctly, but due to the order being different the swatches will grab the wrong values and will put the image to the size instead of the color.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 164115.png

Is there a way to globally set the order for the swatches attribute? so it will always put the color first for all products and always assign the image to the color regardless of attribute order?

Golam Kibria

Hi Tim,

Is there a way to globally set the order for the swatches attribute? so it will always put the color first for all products and always assign the image to the color regardless of attribute order?

Unfortunately, this is not possible at this moment. WooCommerce has complete control over the attribute order.

Our plugin targets the first attribute and turns them into image-type swatches.

You can re-order the attributes from here using the drag-and-drop option.

If you are using global attributes, you can turn the sizes into buttons like this.

Thus, they will not be turned into image-type swatches.

Let me know if this helps.

Thank You