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Thumbnail size won’t change

Flo Hanckel


I followed the tutorial to enlarge special attribute (color) but it won’t change in product page. I disable cache and different plugins to test but still no change.


I don’t have access to ftp thus I can only give you the admin login to the website. Please let me know what you need me to do from the backend so I can tell my developer.

Thank you


Kind regards


Hakik Zaman

Hi Flo,

Thanks for reaching out to us. You are using the Breakdance and it overrides our CSS- https://prnt.sc/XxceORRnCCVp

Please contact the Breakdance support regarding this issue.

I hope they will give you the right direction.

Thank You

Flo Hanckel

Hello Can I just have a refund and cancel my subscription please I’m no longer want to use your plugin. Thank you.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Flo,

Sure, please open a private ticket by providing the Order Number & License.

So that, I can forward that to our Sales & Marketing team.

Thank You