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Help me show swatches on category page

Itai Bendavid

Please help me to add this [wvs_show_archive_variation] in the custom product loop
to show the swatched on categories pages.

This is my elementor custom page im using

User: jetserver
Pass: W$yDt4c*B&)qF6#IHALG9UGp

Many thanks

Hakik Zaman

Hi Itai,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

I can see you are using the Archive Products widget- https://paste.pics/QO33Q

So, the swatches should be displayed automatically.

It could be a version issue. I can find that you have several plugins that need to be updated.

Please update all the major plugins and try again.

Thank You

Itai Bendavid

I have updated elementor and elementor pro to the latest but still cant see it.

Should i update yours as well? Last time i did it made issues and you told me to downgrade it back and i did.

Please try to update yours if needed so if any issue happen you can downgrade as well.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Itai,

You have enabled an attribute that is not available for these products (or, you have made custom attributes for those products)- https://paste.pics/QOB7A

So, I have changed the settings like this- https://paste.pics/QOB7X

Please check now and let me know if it works now.

Thank You