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Variations on Bricks Builder Archive



What is the best way to insert variation swatches in a query loop in bricks builder ?

My products are using size attribute and colors. Is it possible to hide the size attribute on archive pages ? I only want to show the color swatches and not the size.

Also my image doesn’t switch when i use a query loop.

Thank you for your help,

Hakik Zaman

Hi Emeric,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

What is the best way to insert variation swatches in a query loop in bricks builder ?

We have a shortcode to display swatches on the shop/archive product loop- [wvs_show_archive_variation]

My products are using size attribute and colors. Is it possible to hide the size attribute on archive pages ? I only want to show the color swatches and not the size.

Please check this tutorial to achieve this- https://youtu.be/r1DIlBSJI5o

Also my image doesn’t switch when i use a query loop.

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank You


Thank you for you help, I was able to show only the swatches I wanted.

My images still don’t change when clicking on a color : https://www.loom.com/share/b7172ca8a01c40e2b31a1a278f842ecb?sid=e8bdafc7-07ec-4c2e-bfcc-f8326bfb525a

My container with the green background uses the default bricks element to show products and the image switch is working fine.

But i will use a query loop (like in the red background container) and here the image switching is not working.

I tried to insert the image class in the settings but it does not work.

Thank you,

Emeric Sambardier

Hakik Zaman

Hi Emeric,

For the red background, the product wrapper and image selector are different.

Note: You can add multiple classes by adding commas(,). For example- .class1, .class2

Please set it up like this- https://paste.pics/QMOT2

Thank You

and can I translate the “+more” text when I hide some variations ?

Perfect it worked thank you, and do you have an idea about the message above ?

Thank you very much!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Emeric,

do you have an idea about the message above ?

Can you please give me a screenshot? You can upload your screenshot here- https://paste.pics/ and post the screenshot link using this reply box.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Emeric,

Can you please give a product link from your site? It will help me to inspect it further.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Emeric,

Please change the attribute type to “button” rather than “select”. So that, I can inspect it from my side.

Thank You