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Tooltip image with long tooltip text

Wolfgang Dick

Dear Hakik, so sorry to bother you again. Hope it will be the last time 🙂

We decided that especially for mobile users the tooltip image is a brilliant idea, we just love this functionality!

But unfortunately with longer tooltip texts, it does not work nicely, please see the screenshot here:


Do you think it would be possible to separate the elements for the tooltip text and the tooltip image?

So that the tooltip text box for longer texts extends (without impacting the tooltip picture)? Please see the screenshot here how it could look like (Photoshop):


The example is available here: https://www.lonesome-dragon.ch/produkt/liebesschaukel-lonesome-dragon-private-euphoria/

Thank you so much for your help,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, your texts are too long.

As per your text size, the image tooltip will not be a good option for you.

The image tooltip displays in a dynamic manner using JS.

Unfortunately, there is no good option to separate them as you mentioned.

I hope you will understand.

Thank You

Wolfgang Dick

Hello Hakik

I think I found the solution for this problem, that the tooltip texts are too long and distort the tooltip image.

Actually for the tooltip settings (show tooltip), there are three options currently:

1. Global, 2. Text, 3. Image and 4. No

Now for option 2 (text), I could enter a shortened text, but why for option 3 (image) this is not possible?

Actually for Option 3 (image) there should be no text at all. But even better it would be, if also here a text can be entered, so a shortened text with the image would solve the problem.

What do you think?

Hopes and regards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Wolfgang,

Unfortunately, it will make it more complex for the other users to understand the product-level settings.

We kept that option to set a different image from the product-level setting.

I can share this proposal with our Development and Research Team for you.

Thank You

Wolfgang Dick

Hi Hakik, thanks for your answer.

You are right, we should not forget about the users and we should be very clear to avoid any confusion.

But well, actually I think now it is confusing to understand for users. Because if there is an option “image” and an option “text”, why is the image WITH text then? That was confusing me a little bit 🙂

Solution 1

The most simple solution could be, to rename the option “image” with “image + text” and add the possibility to have a custom text.

Solution 2

The more “complete” solution would be to add/split the options like this:

1. Global
2. Text (with the possibility of a custom text)
3. Image without text
4. Image with text (with the possibility of a custom text)
5. No

I guess currently the focus  was strictly on apparel when the plugin was coded, but for most other businesses the variations might not have so short names like simple colors or sizes.

Many regards, thanks again



Hakik Zaman

Hi Wolfgang,

I have shared the proposals with the team.

They will work on it. Once they confirm I will let you know here.

Thank You