Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Chrome: product images oversized, break layout

Jan Schmidt



The plugin “Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce” version 1.3.21 causes problems on my product page in Chrome browser. Firefox browser ist fine.
Images are displayed way too large in chrome . They are so large, that they break the whole product page layout.
If i open product, for a second the product imamge and thumbnails look fine. But then the images scale hyper-large.

If i acivate “Remove main product image from gallery” then product page is OK, but if i then select some product variation, the images again hyper-scal to the wohl screen and break page layout.

I have done 3 days of research now to fix the problem, also tried to contact you via your webiste chat.
I cant find a solution. Can you please help me?
Many thanks in advance!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Jan,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you