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Compos Web


I would like to ask for your help.

On my “Shoes” product archive page, I’ve set a filter for the “Size” attribute. ( https://boutiquelilasrose.fr/categorie-produit/accessoires/chaussures/ )

It doesn’t display the right quantities for “Size” and it displays the same quantity, but I don’t have all the sizes available. Is it possible to display only the available quantities? And do you know why it doesn’t display the right quantity of shoes?

Thank you in advance.

(It’s a WooCommerce & Oxygen Builder shop)

Hakik Zaman

Hi Compos,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Did you mean you want to display the size swatches on this archive page: https://boutiquelilasrose.fr/categorie-produit/accessoires/chaussures/?

If so, you have enabled catalog mode and selected Color to display: https://paste.pics/QGIAK

The products here https://boutiquelilasrose.fr/categorie-produit/accessoires/chaussures/ have no color. So, it is not displaying.

You can select First Attribute, it will display always the first attribute based on the position of attributes here: https://paste.pics/QGIB1

I hope this resolves your issue.

Thank You