Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Product image disabled once selecting variation

Yang Qu


The product will be disabled once a variation is selected.

Please see the screencast:

Hakik Zaman

Hi Yang,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I have successfully logged in to your site.

Then perform a test with and without our plugin. From my inspection, your gallery behaves the same with swatches and without swatches.

Here is the screen record I captured while testing your site: https://www.loom.com/share/5d7d928b89fa439f85fd7b7159ea0356

Thank You

Yang Qu


I think there is a confusion. In your video, the product image (red one, not in the variation) will never return once you select any variation image.

Please see this product. You may better understand the issue (as the product image is distinctive with the variations).




Hakik Zaman

Hi Yang,

I think there is a confusion. In your video, the product image (red one, not in the variation) will never return once you select any variation image.

You have added it as a main product thumbnail: https://paste.pics/QB7VU

So it will come back once you refresh the page or clear your variation selection. It is the default behavior of WooCommerce.

Can you please share your goal? What do you want to display?

By the way, we have no script for the gallery inside the Variation Swatches plugin.

Displaying a gallery is not a feature of our plugin. Our plugin just converts the default dropdown into beautiful swatches.

Thank You

Yang Qu


How to clear the variation selection? I couldn’t deselect any variation, which led to the product image never returning.

The only way to have the product image is to refresh the page.

I intend to allow visitors a smooth experience by clicking variations and products.  (not by refreshing the page).

Any thoughts?

Thank you!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Yang,

How to clear the variation selection?

Here is a clear button: https://paste.pics/QB7YN to unselect the variations.

I couldn’t deselect any variation, which led to the product image never returning.

I have already added a screenshot from your site to clear your selection. I hope now you will understand the UX of WooCommerce. Your customers will not have to refresh the page if they click on the clear button.

I hope this will clear up your confusion.

Thank You

Yang Qu


Can you tell me how to show this clear button on the site?



Hakik Zaman

Hi Yang,

It is already on your site: https://paste.pics/QB88H

You have to select a variation first, then you can see the clear button.

Thank You

Yang Qu

I have got it.

Thanks for your great assistance.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Yang,

Thank you so much for your review.

Feel free to open a new ticket regarding the Swatches plugin.

I am changing the ticket status to resolved.

Thank You