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Adding youtube videos via import


I’m currently using the WP All import plugin for handling product data, including images, by uploading them directly into the plugin’s import folder and specifying the file paths in my CSV.

I recently came across a tutorial (https://youtu.be/wopbjNkJNEc) on adding Youtube links to products. However, the method presented in the video involves manual entrey of video links for each product, which is not practical for me due to the large number of products.

I would like to know if there a way to add Youtube videos to products during the import process, so they can appear in the product slider on the product page. Any guidance or assistance on achieving this through the WP All import plugin would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a screenshot of my import settings for images : https://prnt.sc/IEqTi6y42ZNd

Thank you in advance and have a good day.

Best regards.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We add the images inside this post meta: woo_variation_gallery_images

The videos are added to the image using this post meta: woo_variation_gallery_media_video

Please contact the WP All Import plugin support if they have any support for these post-metas.

Thank You



Thank you for your response.

I have also contacted them to get their response. Do Youtube links need to be placed on an existing image ?


Thank you in advance and have a nice day !

Hakik Zaman

Hi Laurent,

Do Youtube links need to be placed on an existing image ?

Yes, we add a video source for the existing images as an Image Post Meta using this post meta: woo_variation_gallery_media_video

***Note: You already know each image you add to your WordPress site itself is a post.

Thank You



Alright, I understand. Thank you very much for this information.