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unable to remove backend element

Jon Hutson

Screenshot from 2024-01-09 18-26-20.png

Hello, I’ve tried several iterations of css and php to remove the element <td class=”woo_variation_swatches_product_label_settings column-woo_variation_swatches_product_label_settings” data-colname=”Customized Swatches Settings”></td> from the backend product list window. It’s not doing anytthing, and its terrible formatted, and blocks other more useful elements.


Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

Please add the following snippet to your site using the Code Snippets plugin.

add_action( 'woo_variation_swatches_product_edit_panel_loaded', function($wvs_product_edit_panel){
remove_filter( 'woocommerce_product_data_tabs', array( $wvs_product_edit_panel, 'product_data_tab' ) );
remove_filter( 'woocommerce_product_data_panels', array( $wvs_product_edit_panel, 'product_data_panel' ) );

I will wait for your feedback.

Thank You

Jon Hutson

thanks for the speedy reply!

that didnt work.

Golam Kibria

Jon Hutson

What the fuck. How about I get a refund..

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

Please ignore the previous message.

We have tested the snippet on our end and it works.

Where did you add the snippet?

Your goal is to remove this option, is that correct?

Thank You

Jon Hutson

not at all. please refer to my original picture…

as mentioned it’s in the product list window. not in the product creation window.

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

Will you please share a large image so that we can understand it better?

Please upload your image here and share the link with us.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

Unfortunately, your image was not attached.

Please upload your image here and share the link with us.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

If you are referring to this section, we don’t add anything there.

Share an image or a video that explains the issue better.

If explaining the issue feels difficult, you can run a plugin compatibility test to verify if we have added the option or not.

=> Deactivate all of your additional plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the problem is resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins one by one.

Thank You

Jon Hutson

I’ve ran compatability tests and conflict tests. It’s your plugin. and if it’s showing un-hideable elements within pages that you’re saying it “doesn’t add anything to”, then I’d really prefer a refund.

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

Okay, I will forward your ticket to process a refund.

We will need your license key or the order number to process the refund.

Anyway, it would be great if you shared a large screenshot that covers the menu too.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Jon Hutson

License key:


Thanks! I like the product, but there’s just too many of these little unfixable issues.

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

I am sorry for the inconvenience that you have faced.

We will notify you once the refund is processed.

It would be a pleasure to help you resolve each of those issues.

We would appreciate it if you have the patience to share the details.

(We will still refund your purchase).

This will help us make the plugin better for other uses too.

Thank You

Jon Hutson

It was just various elements that showed for users who had no capabilities to even see any swatch controls.
My site is a multivendor ecommerce store, so controlling what the vendors can see on the backend is absolutely paramount.

how long will that refund take?

thanks again!

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

Thanks a lot for sharing the details.

I have already forwarded your request to my team.

Hopefully, it will be processed by today/tomorrow.

Thank You

Jon Hutson

I still don’t see a refund, or any further dialogue about a refund.

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

I am sorry for the delay.

The person responsible has a fever.

Do not worry about the refund.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Jon,

We’ve refunded your purchase!

Hopefully, we can help you next time.

Thank You