Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Archive page see second image (hover or arrows)

Hello guys, I have been using your plugin for some time now and it’s an amazing product !
Here is the work I would like to accomplish :
We have this archive product page : https://mxracingfr.com/jerseys/
For each design many colors are available. If you click the little image under the jersey, the design will show the chosen color ; like this
And we also have a plugin that allows us to add a second picture to each variation to show the back of the jersey ; but it only shows on the product page and not the archive page ; like this : https://mxracingfr.com/product/design-31/
The plugin used to add this second picture for each variation works as follow in the backend :
And the work, would be to display the back picture on the archive page, by adding that second image as a caroussel on phone / and ideally by hovering on desktop
This website des it perfectly on desktop when hovering : https://fxrracing.eu/collections/jerseys-moto


Let me know if the request is clear and if it is something we could work on 🙂
Thanks a lot

Hakik Zaman

Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

For each design many colors are available. If you click the little image under the jersey, the design will show the chosen color

Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce will not work on the shop/archive page.

Our Variation Swatches for WooCommerce has this feature to display variation images on clicking variation swatches. You can check the demo here: https://demo.getwooplugins.com/woocommerce-variation-swatches/

And we also have a plugin that allows us to add a second picture to each variation to show the back of the jersey ; but it only shows on the product page and not the archive page

Unfortunately, this feature is not available.

I hope this explanation will clear up your confusion.

Thank You



Thank you for your quick answer ;


So when we add a second image using your plugin “Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce” it is not possible to display the second picture on the archive page by hovering it ?


Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Nicolas,

Unfortunately, our plugin was not intended to work with the shop/archive page product gallery.

You can add this feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

I hope our Research & Marketing team will think about it.

Thank You