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Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) issue on Product Pages

Hugo H

Dear all,

Here is the issue with Pagespeed:
width/height are not defined / explicit

Because of this, our CLS is so high on our product pages.

Does anyone already face this issue and may help to find a solution ?

Theme Avada
WordPress / Woocommerce
WP Rocket
The thumbnails product gallery is on Avada and not Woocommerce.
Avada product gallery is excluded of JS report execution
If we selected Woocommerce for product gallery instead of Avada it is working but the images are in column not slider anymore.

Thanks in advance for your precious help !
url test https://www.luckyonebijoux.com/boutique/collier-tendance-pierre-fine-or/

Hakik Zaman

Hi Hugo,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Could you disable our Swatches plugin and check if is it working without our plugin or not?

Thank you