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Image tooltip resizing to 100×100


I have variation swatches image tooltip set to 100×100 in settings. This works great with my old photos (2021): the source image is about 1024×1024 pixels, and in the variation swatches image tool tip when it is resized to fir the pop-up, no quality is lost, because the source image is still the original. When this happens, the inspect element is correct:

style attribute {
  1. –tooltip-background: url(https://dondan.cl/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/HebillaFrontAntiqueGold.jpg);

  2. –tooltip-width: 100px;
  3. –tooltip-height: 82px;
  4. –horizontal-position: 0px;
However, any new photo that I add to my media library, the source image is resized to 100×100 and quality is lost if I try to use in in variation image tool tip. For example, the same image that we used before, simply by downloading it and uploading it again with another name, and using it for the tooltip, it is blurry because the plugin automatically uses a converted 100×100 jp image as source.
incorrect image tooltip.jpg

style attribute {
  1. –tooltip-background: url(https://dondan.cl/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/HebillaFrontAntiqueGold-1-100×100.jpg);
  2. –tooltip-width: 100px;
  3. –tooltip-height: 100px;
  4. –horizontal-position: 0px;

How can I use good quality images in 100×100 size in tooltipe without it losing quality? It seems that there is a problem with the plugin and the date I uploaded the photos..

Thank you!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Our plugin doesn’t rewrite the image dimension.

But it registers some thumbnail sizes. If the image is blurry you can choose different dimensions of the tooltip.

You can choose other dimensions from here: https://prnt.sc/RxsvScRb00SA

Note: Please regenerate your images after changing the dimensions. To regenerate the images you can use this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/

Thank You

Hello, thank you for the reply.

The problem is that in some cases the plugin is using as a source a full size image, and then it displays it as a thumbnail in 100×100 format in the tooltip, but in other cases the plugin is using a 100×100 version of the image (thumbnail version) as a source, and then displays it in the tooltip.


I am using the variaton swatches 100×100 in style configuration, and any new image that I upload and try to use it in the tooltip is blurry. Is there a way to force the plugin to use the full image source for the tooltip, withouth changing the size of the tooltip? ( I want to keep displaying the image with good quality in a small square tooltip)


Thank you!


Hakik Zaman

Hi Daniel,

Unfortunately, the feature is not currently available.

Please send your feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

Thank You