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Woo variation swatches Display issue on Front End

Jeanette Poon

Hi Team,

Can you please correspond the conversation to the email [email protected]

There is some type of display issue with the variation swatches on the front end.

There is a recent plugin update and data update on the site.

I have tried to troubleshoot the issue but, could not figure out what has caused it.

Deactivated the plugins and reactivated them to trigger the data changes or updates.

Here we’re using the MYOB as CMS so, the data sync from MYOB has been done recently but this should not update the swatches displaying on the front end.

The main thing is that for some of the products it is displaying correctly and for some, it does not.

The issue is even if we change the type of the attribute it does not change on the front end.

I have the below video which explains the issues:



Can you please check for any issues with the plugin?

Jeanette Poon

Hi Hakik,


Thanks for the details. Yes, I have updated it to global and it is working fine now.
