Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

When the plugin is turned on, the variations of products on category page are loaded later with a delay. It can take some more seconds (!!!) than with disabled plugin. Thus, the page load time has increased and the user cannot perform other actions until the page loads completely. The page should load without updating the content. How to do it work fast?


Hakik Zaman

Hi Petr,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Can you please share the approximate amount of variations with each product on the archive page?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

12 products with 1-2 variations. On home page is accordion slider with 8 products, but accordingly with gtmextrix page load time with disabled plugin 4.7 sek., with enabled plugin – 11.5 sek. Please check here: https://saflora.lt/en/

Hakik Zaman

Hi Petr,

It is very common it will increase the time to load. Because you are displaying swatch data which will not be displayed without our plugin.

Please change your settings like this: https://snipboard.io/KIUwAJ.jpg

Then check again but before checking, please flush all the caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache.

Thank You

Thanks, it is resolved. Now the loading time just for 100 ms longer. What is the function of Archive variation threshold responsible for?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Petr,

What is the function of Archive variation threshold responsible for?

Basically, this feature tells our plugin when the API should be called.

Initially, the value is 0. It means it will always grab data using API calls.

The API calls are helpful when you have 2000+ variations with each product.

Then your site will not wait for our swatches data and display all the contents without waiting for swatches. Now the swatches are displayed as HTML. The value 5 means it will print HTML content (of variations) when a product has up to 5 variations. When it has 6 variations it will hit the API for swatches data. As you said you have only 1-2 variations, API calls are overengineering for your site.

I hope this explanation will help you to understand the mechanism.

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Thank You