Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Sizes as dropdown

Hello GetWooPlugins

At https://svaneklinik.dk/produkt/mara-vatteret-bh-uden-boejle/ I need to make the Size option as the standard drop-down selection.
Now it is as label.
But in the setting for my Attributes I cannot longer choose to go back to “Drop-down”, I have only Select, Collor, Image, Button, Radio.
How do I solve this?

As well I need to limit the number of color-swatches to be max. 4 on the Archive pages. Some of our products have 16 colors, and som have 3, so you can imagine how ugly the archive-page will look.
How can I do this?

Best regards
Bjarni Aagaard-Nielsen

Golam Kibria

Hi Bjarni,

We have replied to your query from our live support.

If you have more questions or any confusion, please let us know.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Bjarni,

You are using Divi Shop Builder by WP Zone.

We will need the hook for their Add to Cart option.

We tried to move the swatches up with a custom snippet but it did not work.

Please ask them about the hook.

Once we have the hook, we should be able to adjust this for you.

Thank You

It is also possible for me to use WCBuilder from DiviKingdom.
Would that help?
I can try to install that now, just to try…

Golam Kibria

Hi Bjarni,

Unfortunately, we will still need the hook.

Our plugin has compatibility with the default WooCommerce hook.

Those builders customize the default hooks, most of the time.

So, to make this work we will need their hook.

Thank You

Hello again…
Here is their hook:


add_Filter( ‘woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_args’, ‘woo_show_some_text’, 20 ); function woo_show_some_text() { echo ‘<p class=”woo”>HOOK INTO ME!</p>’; }


I hope this was enough.
Best regards

Golam Kibria

Hi Bjarni,

Unfortunately, you have shared the WooCommerce filter and it will not help us achieve the goal.

We need an action hook before the add to cart button to change the position.

Does your builder offer to add a shortcode into the custom loop?

In that case, you can try our shortcode to reposition the swatches.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you

Hello again
At last we got an answer from DIVI builder.
Theur hook looks like this:

add_filter(‘woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link’, function($html) {
$html .= do_shortcode(‘[your_shortcode]’);


But, they ask: What do your kook look like?
Maybe we can try something the other way around.


Best regards


Golam Kibria

Hi Bjarni,

Unfortunately, this will not help with your goal.

If you couldn’t display the Swatches at all, then this could be helpful.

I am afraid, you will have to stick with the current output.

Thank You

Hello again

I have an urgent problem at svaneklinik.dk

Suddently our WooCommerce Attributes are back as the standard woocommerce attributes.
We suddently lost the fields where we can decide if the Color should show as Color, Image or Button.
And we cannot set the Colorcode for each color in the term anymore.
Can you see what happened?
Did you change some settings when you helped me with the Image-variation problem?

Best regards


Golam Kibria

Hi Bjarni,

Sorry for the inconvenience and the late response (it was our weekend).

Did you change some settings when you helped me with the Image-variation problem?

I only fixed the issue for the product you shared with me.

I have checked your site, and the images are displaying fine.

I think our plugins got deactivated somehow.

Please let me know if I have missed something.

Thank You