Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin


When you see different images of products in my store and I try to move laterally, I move 1 by 1, any option or code that can make if I drag to move to where I drag?

And another question, as seen in the Video that I send if the images are different, you can see that the row of images is displaced, any option to keep them always in the same position or that the smaller image is adjusted to the large?


Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience


Video–> https://gyazo.com/f223ceba8584135c75652c255dda5eca

Hakik Zaman

Hi Frank,

Unfortunately, the features are not currently available.

​But it’s a great idea. Please send the feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

and ask your other to upvote it.


Okay np, one last question.

Any option that if I create a product variation that only has the color, if they select that color, it will show it even if it has no price?


It would be for example:

Color — Print — shape

but the only attribute assigned would be color with its respective photo

Hakik Zaman

Hi Frank,

I create a product variation that only has the color, if they select that color, it will show it even if it has no price?

In WooCommerce, a product will not display a variation dropdown till you set the prices for the variations.

So, it will not display like this: https://i.imgur.com/hgUy7Q7.png

I hope I could clear up your confusion.

Thank You