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Variation Swatches not showing up on Archive Page (Oxygen Builder)

Resham Panth

Hi Team,

I am using Variation Swatches pro on a website created with Oxygen Builder (https://valeriejewels.com/shop). I’d like the variation swatches to be visible on the archive page. I have enabled it in settings and given appropriate class names but I don’t see any swatches.

It is working fine in the actual product page (https://valeriejewels.com/product/boyfriend-bold-chain-necklace/) but not on the archive page.

I am using Oxygen Builder + WPGridbuilder to build the grid and facets.

Thanks in advance

Hakik Zaman

Hi Resham,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Are you using a custom loop by the builder to display the products on the shop/archive page?

If so, please use this shortcode: [wvs_show_archive_variation] to the loop grid to display swatches with the products.

Thank You

Resham Panth

Hi Team,


Sorry for the delay, I had some personal emergency.

I tried using the shortcode [wvs_show_archive_variation]  in the loop grid, but that does not return anything. Can you please confirm if you have tested Woo Swatches with Oxygen builder?


Thank you.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Resham,

Can you please confirm if you have tested Woo Swatches with Oxygen builder?

We have many users using Swatches with Oxygen Builder. So, I don’t think there is any compatibility issue. It is how you configure it with the shop loop.

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you