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Showing as “out of stock” for variations that do not exist and should be hidden

Lee Lowden


For some products, we have sizes that are not available.

However, the size that is not availabe shows the “x” through it as if it’s out of stock.

But if the variation isn’t even available, then it should be hidden and not show the x.

Do you understand?


See below image, I selected “Oil Rubbed Bronze” and “1 1/2”.


It then shows 12″, 16″, 30″, 32″, and 48″ options as crossed out, which means they are out of stock.

However, those sizes are NOT available in this option, so why would they show? Instead, if the sizes aren’t available for those options, then it should be hidden.

Screenshot 2023-10-22 115731.png


Hakik Zaman

Hi Lee,

Thanks for your clarification. We have so many requests to display the disabled variation with blurred and cross.

I have contacted our development team. As per the current coding structure, they are saying it will not sync logically when you have multi-layer attributes. For example: Color, Size, Pattern, Type, etc. Color: Red is enabled with the combination of Pattern: Square but you have disabled Color: Red with Size: S.

So, it is not possible at this moment to give an option to control this. But they will research, and if they find a solution, they will update the code and release a new version.

I hope this explanation will help.

Thank You