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Hide Color Button and Label

Jeff Moss

I am using a Linked Variations plugin. Is there a way to hide the Color button and label. As long as a set the default color then I do not need to see and it seems like it is just duplicate information.





Golam Kibria

Hi Jeff,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Does it go away if you deactivate our plugin?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Jeff Moss

I do not want to deactivate your plugin. I want to use both plugins. Both add important functionality. I will try to use CSS to accomplish what I need.

Golam Kibria

Hi Jeff,

We are sorry for the late response, it was our weekend.

Hopefully, you were able to fix the issue.

In case, you need further assistance from us, please let us know.

Have a great day.

Thank You