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Move swatches above sizes

Simon Pykett

Please look at this product;




I want to move the sizes below the swatches to allow the user to select the colour before selecting the size.


How is this possible please.

I then want to apply it to all products

Hakik Zaman

Hi Simon,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Please check this screencast: https://www.loom.com/share/5ea173c48f20434abf9459eac2756600

I hope it will resolve your issue.

By the way, it is a default behavior of WooCommerce.

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Thank You

Simon Pykett

Thank you for your response.

Perhaps I should have been a little more clearer.

The visitors are required to enter the size of the product before exploring the the colours – I want to change this to allow the visitors to look at the item colours before having to enter a size.

Please see my Loom below.
