Hi Okkyoung,
Thanks for reaching out to us. You are using Background Image, our plugin will search for <img> tag and will change the src based on the selected variations.
So, the way you have created the shop/archive page, the images will not change. The images will change if you follow the WooCommerce setup of the archive page. You should keep the thumbnail inside the <img> src.
I hope I could clear up your confusion.
Thank You
Variation color change does not change archive product images.
Okkyoung Kim
I had put the Variation Swatches short-code which is “wvs_show_archive_variation” on the archive/shop/home page using elementor loop grid and
when the user selected some color from variations, then the main image would change into the one that corresponds to the color I set.
However, that functionality is currently not working, please can you help?
Best regards,