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Unable to add products to cart V 2.0.26


Please see ticket https://wordpress.org/support/topic/unable-to-add-products-to-cart-2/#post-17058928

fizanzvai asked me to create this ticket here.

I cannot give you access to the live website of my client at the moment.It’s a bit delicate.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Roland,

It’s a staging site, please log in here and try to reproduce your issue here.


Username: admin

Password: demo

*** I have added the necessary plugin and sample products for you.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Hi Hakik,

Yes, this will work because I never have entered the site before with the 2.0.24 version of the plugin. If you check my conversation with Finzazvai, you read that it seems like the problem is not valid for users entering the site for the first time. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/unable-to-add-products-to-cart-2/

I saw similar users have the about the same problem with the new 2.0.26 version. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/unable-to-add-and-remove-products-in-cart/




Hakik Zaman

Hi Roland,

Yes, some of our users are facing this issue. Most of them are Elementor users.

It is happening for them because of external jQuery CDN. They are using different jQuery versions on the same site. You already know jQuery is a built-in library in WordPress core.

From the conversation on the WordPress.org support thread, you have no extra jQuery loaded.

Please try to set it up like your live site on the staging. I will try to revisit the staging to replicate the issue.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

It is very simpel.

Install the 2.0.24 version on the your staging and visit the site. Check some product and order even one.

Then upgrade to the latest version. That’s were the trouble starts on our site.

But…there must be something different between the two versions which is causing this. Ok…2 versions of jQuery isn’t best practice but it worked well for a long time also for Elementor users. So I think the problem is inside the plugin.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Roland,

I have communicated with more than 10 users and found second jQuery is causing the issue. Please check this screenshot as a reference: https://paste.pics/PEX52

We didn’t update our script in the latest release. If you check our changelog you can understand.

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

I did another search on my theme and I saw another entry pointing to jQuery 3.5.1.

//wp_register_script(‘jquery’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/js/jquery-3.5.1.min.js’, array(‘jquery’), ‘3.5.1’, true);

I have deleted that one too and did some tests with the new version of the plugin.

It looks like it working Ok now and the problem is resolved.

I’ll do some more tests. If you do not hear from me again…everything is well!

So far…thanks for your help.

