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Variation Swatches odd behavior with some selections

I’m having an issue with a client site I do support for.   The site is Nationscabinetry.com and when I select differing variations on a page like this:  Classic RP – Nations Cabinetry  ; I am experiencing an odd behavior where my Paint attribute swatch is disappearing when some of the Wood Style attribute is selected and vice versa.  (aside from some variations lacking images, the plugin is working normally)   The options to clear upon new selection work, but only underneath Wood Style or Paint once selected.  To see all the options again I need to select Clear.   If I select Paint and a color then all the Wood Style swatches dissappear until I select Clear also.   I tried to see if this is an option difference between Paint and Wood Stlye attributes but I couldn’t find the answer as to why this is happening.

Golam Kibria

Hi Jeremy,

I am sorry for the inconvenience.

It is happening because you have chosen to hide the out-of-stock/unavailable options.

You can choose a different behavior from the list.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Jeremy,

Please note that you don’t have combinations available for all attributes.

If you deactivate our plugin and check with the default WooCommerce, it will also produce a similar result.

If you have more questions or any confusion, please let us know.

Thank You