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Gigantic Images after Plugin Update

Jim Fulford

My variation images have not worked since version 1.2.0 of the plugin.  I’ve tried to update again today, and after plugin update, images blink off after load, and then you only see a huge image.  I have a working site link and non-working one both below.

This page is using an old version of the plugin and works fine (production).  This is plugin 1.2.0.  My Theme is Flatsome and I’ve tried checking the flatsome option mentioned in your support article.


This is the same page after I update the plugin (staging server).   As you can see images are missing / gigantic.  This is version 1.3.19



Thanks for your help

Golam Kibria

Hi Jim,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Will you please check if this option is enabled on your staging site?

If enabled, please try disabling the option.

If that does not help, will you please give us temporary admin access to your staging site?

It will be safer to run the investigation there.

Thank You