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Swatch image not appearing in product filter

Jared Kalmus

I recently upgraded to Variation Swatches For WooCommerce Pro in order to enable variation swatch images on the “Filter by attribute” filter in the Woocommerce filter side bar. I am using Astra Pro for my theme.

Even with the filter option checked in the plug in settings, I do not see any variation swatch images, just text. I attempted to remove and re-add the filter widget several times but no change was noticed.

The swatches seem to work just fine on the single product page.



Hakik Zaman

Hi Jared,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please make sure you are using the Legacy Widget not the Gutenberg widget.

You can still use the Legacy/Classic widget by adding this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-widgets/

Then check this tutorial: https://youtu.be/3HPBrRjH0kY

Note: The widget will only display the color not image swatches.

Thank You

Jared Kalmus

While this plug in did enable the colors to show in the filter widget, it also broke the rest of my site as I use Gutenberg widgets extensively in my header and footer.

Is there any option to enable filter widgets on Astra theme while still maintaining Gutenburg widgets elsewhere in the site?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Jared,

Is there any option to enable filter widgets on Astra theme while still maintaining Gutenburg widgets elsewhere in the site?

Unfortunately, our plugin is not compatible with the Gutenberg yet. Our plugin will work with the Legacy Widget of WordPress. To get the color on the widget, you have to disable the Gutenberg widget and apply the Classic Widget.


Jared Kalmus

Hi Hazik,

While I was very excited to use this advanced filtering widget on my store, I’m afraid I will not be able to make use of this plugin as it is not compatible with modern WordPress. Since the Classic Widgets plug in is only guaranteeing support up to 2024, I do not see this as a viable option long term.

I would be happy to purchase this plug in should Gutenberg support be developed, but in the meantime I would like to request the 30 day money-back guarantee listed on your website.

Thank you,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Jared,

I’m afraid I will not be able to make use of this plugin as it is not compatible with modern WordPress

For your information, Gutenberg is still in beta mode and in Phase 2 out of Phase 4.

We have already added the Gutenberg support but it is changing day by day. So, we are not going to release the update till Gutenberg is in a stable state. Roadmap of Gutenberg: https://wordpress.org/about/roadmap/

I would be happy to purchase this plug in should Gutenberg support be developed, but in the meantime I would like to request the 30 day money-back guarantee listed on your website.

Please open a new ticket regarding your refund. So that, I can send it to our Sales & Marketing team.

Thank You