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Option “Single Variation Image Preview” not working with Yith Product Bundles

Stefan Zahnd


I’m using the Yith Product Bundle plugin. On the single product page of the bundle, the option to change the product image when selecting the first attribute (color) doesn’t seem to work. Have a look here: https://www.loom.com/share/e84b9f2e907e4336b6f53ecfbf4864f9?sid=a7a23137-14bc-45d1-90c5-6a1495ef06cd

Is this something that can be fixed easily?

Thank you and best regards, Stefan

Hakik Zaman

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for getting back to us.

Is this something that can be fixed easily?

Unfortunately, it will not work. Bundle is another product type. Our plugin is based on variable products.

I hope you will understand.

Thank You

Stefan Zahnd

Hi Hakik

Thank you for your reply. Okay. I just tested it with the alternative plugin “WooCommerce Product Bundles”. There, it works out of the box. Therefore, I’m going to switch to that plugin :).

Best regards, Stefan

Stefan Zahnd

Hi Hakik

It’s me again. So, I changed the plugin to “WooCoomerce Product Bundles”. Unfortunately, I just realized that the calculation of out-of-stock information for variations doesn’t work.

With “WooCommerce Product Bundles”, the change of the product image is working, but not the calculation for out-of-stock. In contrary, with “YITH Product Bundles”, the change of the product image isn’t working but the calculation for out-of-stock is.

Recently, it’s just frustrating. It feels like every plugin out on the marketplace has some weird limitation…

Is this something that can be fixed using a snippet?

I’m aware that the bundle is another product type, but as this is “only” bundling variable products, it’s still somehow a variable product.

Here’s a video for a better understanding: https://www.loom.com/share/2aa907e7fbb84d3c879d1a32383cc5f8?sid=390ed156-7e89-4c36-af6c-8c8e6993f1c4

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards, Stefan

Stefan Zahnd

Hi Hakik

Me again. As the client wanted to have a variation image gallery, I purchased your plugin for that. Luckily, this is somehow to defuse the issue with YITH Product Bundle. As the main image now is changing, it’s more user-friendly.

The only thing that’s now left is the change of the small image, as shown in the previous video. On mobile, this is somehow important, as there, the main image is not always visible.

Not sure if this is possible to fix.

Thank you and best regards, Stefan

Hakik Zaman

Hi Stefan,

Changing images for that thumbnail is not a feature of our plugin.

Could you disable our Swatches plugin and check if is it working with the default dropdown or not?

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Stefan,

If I understand your need, you want to change this image: https://paste.pics/OW29L

If I am right, unfortunately, that part is not rendered by WooCommerce.

Our feature  “Single Variation Image Preview” was not intended to change that small thumbnail.

Please check this to know more about the feature “Single Variation Image Preview”: https://youtu.be/31WR96-9kuQ

Here is a demo of that feature: https://demo.getwooplugins.com/woocommerce-variation-swatches/change-product-image-based-on-select-attribute/

Thank You