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Swatches on shop/archive page reset back to default currency

Sam Messina


I am just using the default woocommerce multi-currency, and for some reason selecting a variation resets the price back to AUD (the default shop currency) this only happens on the shop/archive pages and not the product page.

If a product has a default variation, this happens automatically on page load (you can briefly see the price correctly display $USD for a split second) and if there is no default, it resets to AUD on swatch selection.

All of the other products in the shop show the correct currency.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Sam,

Thanks for reaching out to us. How many approximate variations do you have with each product?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Sam Messina

One product has 13, and the other product has 7

Hakik Zaman

Hi Sam,

Please increase the value like this: https://paste.pics/OPKTL

Then save and flush all the caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You