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Delay JavaScript execution conflict with images gallery

Raido Linde

Hi there,

When we use Delay JavaScript execution with WP rocket, the variation images gallery is also delayed. Therefore, we have First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint issue in Google Search Console. So, we want to remove delay from variation images gallery (so it is preloaded).

We tried to use WP rocket exclusion for your plugin, but then the gallery is in continuous load on mobile (desktop works fine) and never loads fully (Curren setting, which can be seen from the link at the additional info).

When we however remove your plugin from WP rocket exclusion (WP Rocket – > File optimisation -> Delay JavaScript execution -> click plugins -> remove  your plugin), and refresher the page on mobile, the gallery is delayed and keeps loading until you scroll or touch the screen.

So, how can we preload the Additional Variation Images Gallery when the WP rocket delay JavaScript execution is enabled?

I have added staging site to your consideration, where you can change settings, delete plugins etc. as we will delete it after that anyway.

Kind regards,

Raido Linde

Hakik Zaman

Hi Raido,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I have changed some settings of WP Rocket.

Can you please check the staging site using both desktop and small screen modes?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Raido Linde


So you added (?:/wp-content/|/wp-includes/)(.*) – this won’t work because it also affects other codes that make the site significant slower and increases block time.

How could we just implement that your plugin won’t be affected by the delay?


Kind regards,

Raido Linde