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Plugin not working correctly

Ivan Boko

Hi guys

I installed this plugin but it seems that it does not work properly with my website.  I would like to buy a pro version but wanted to be sure it works ok with my theme. Can you check why it is not working? Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ivan Boko,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, your theme has default swatches options.

You have added color using the default theme swatches options.

After activating the swatches you have to add the color for these: https://paste.pics/OI6SY

Then add the following CSS at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to hide the Themegem combo boxes.

.woo-variation-swatches .thegem-combobox-wrap {
display: none;

After following the above steps I hope our plugin will work as expected.

Thank you