Hi Kirsty,
Thanks a lot for your appreciation of our plugin.
You can do this with the premium version of the plugin.
The premium version has the option to disable the out-of-stock variations without hiding them from the catalog.
If you have more questions, please let me know.
Thank You
Out of Stock variations
Kirsty O'Leary
Hello, firstly thanks for making a great plugin. I am using it on a store who does not want to hide out of stock products from the catalog but they do want the ability to have the X on disabled products on the single product view.
Reading this: https://getwooplugins.com/documentation/woocommerce-variation-swatches/#hide-blur-out-of-stock-product it seems we can’t have both which seems strange – why do we have to disable out of stock products from the catalog in order to show them as disabled on the single product page? When I have the option ticked to hide from the store I see an additional disabled class on the single product, I feel the two shouldn’t rely on the other.
Please could you advise why this is and why I can’t have out of stock products, even simple ones, on the catalog page AND have them on the single page with the X?