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Slow loading times after filtering / sorting with variation swatches

Ruud Onclin


The varation swatches plug-in is slowing down the filtering and sorting on our website https://100procenthardcore.com/hardcore-kleding/sales/.

Here is an image with extra info: https://i.imgur.com/mDHIKt7.png

How can we speed this up?

Thanks in advance,

Tom Fels

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ruud,

Thanks for reaching out to us. How many approximate variations do you have with each product?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ruud,

Please change the value here from 0 to 10: https://paste.pics/OIB8E

Also, contact your hosting support. If they have support for the Redis Object Cache.

Please ask them to enable it for you. Our plugin is compatible with the Redis object cache.

Then flush the object cache from the server-side settings. Then check your site again.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ruud,

It will take time to cache your site. Please try it after one day and keep visiting the site to cache it.

Then let me know if it speeds up your site or not.

Note: Redis Object cache plugin will not work if your server doesn’t support the Redis object cache.

Thank You

Ruud Onclin

Hi Hakik,

I’ve setup the Redis cache from the server side aswell.

Now i’m forcefully trying to cache the filtering (sorting / filtering the same way on the same page) but i see very little difference.

The filtering on the live enviroment is currently unusable for many archive pages so do you have any other ways of speeding this up?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ruud,

I am using incognito mode and tried to visit your site and it loads with 3.06s: https://paste.pics/OICHH

Don’t you think it is fast enough? šŸ¤”

Thank You

Ruud Onclin

Hi Hakik,

The loading time of the page is indeed good (this is also cached with WPRocket).

But when I sort or filter the products it can take up to 20 seconds to load in.

You can try opening the page and sorting with “Price high to low”.

When sorting or filtering products with variations this takes a long time but when i sort with the variation swatches plug-in disabled it takes between 1 – 3 seconds.

I hope my explanation is clear and of you have any other ideas on increasing the speed.

Ruud Onclin

Hi Hakik,

Filter and sorting load times have indeed been improved (Thank you).

But it is still inconsistent. Sometimes it goes (quick as you displayed with your video).

But sometimes it can stil take op to 5 – 10 seconds for archive pages to load.

This only happens on the archive pages which have Variation Swatches.

I don’t require a workaround I want to fix the loading issue.

Please help me make this more consistent.

Ruud Onclin


The Redis cache has slowed down the backend of the site to 30 – 60 seconds per product change.

I’ve now removed the Redis cache plug-in from the website.

The Redis cache was a workaround solution with it’s own issues.

Help me find a real solution to the issue!

The rest of my site loads in within a second except for the filters.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ruud,

Did you try it without our plugin? Is it faster without our plugin?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ruud,

Unfortunately, there are no more workarounds regarding speed issues.

I have already given all the possible ways to make it faster.

If you are not happy with the solutions and the speed of it, you can ask for a refund.

To get a refund, please open a new ticket. Then I can send it to our Sales & Marketing team.

They will process your refund.

Thank You