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wvs-stock-left-info missing

Marcel Wolters


On this page: https://www.livinnzevenaar.nl/product/eettafel-mango-rond/

When you select a diameter/size like 110 cm you will see underneath the black table variant like ‘ 5 over’  (5 left)
But not underneath the brown table…


Why is it missing there?

Can you help me fix this?

Marcel Wolters

Ah! Yes! I changed the number, now it shows with every number below 15.

You have to set the Allow backorders? to not allowed. With Allow and Allow, but inform customer the stock number do not show.

What I need is:
Regular price = 100,00
Sale price = 50,00
5 in stock., when these are all sold, the sale price should automatically be removed and the regular price must be used.
So 5 customers can buy it for 50,00 and the 6+ must pay 100,00. This why the product variation can still be sold.
With Allow Backorders? set to Not allowed, that product variation can’t be sold any more unless I manually set it to Allow again…

Can you help me with this?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Marcel,

As you described is not the purpose of our plugin.

Controlling the backorders and stock is totally managed by WooCommerce.

So, regarding this, WooCommerce support can give you some suggestions to achieve your goal.

I hope I could clear up your confusion.

Thank You