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Clickable Out Of Stock

Clickable Out Of Stock

Doesn't work, although of course I enabled that option from the plugin

Golam Kibria

Golam Kibria

Hi Maor,

Will you please check if you have this option enabled from WooCommerce settings?

I will wait for your response.

Thank You


Thank you very much,
I have a back-to-stock plugin and it is currently working after your explanation,
but only on the product page,
is there a possibility that it will also work on the category pages?

Thank you very much,
I have a back-to-stock plugin and it is currently working after your explanation,
but only on the product page,
is there a possibility that it will also work on the category pages?

Golam Kibria

Hi Maor,

Unfortunately, we don’t have any control over this.

This is controlled by your back-to-stock plugin.

Usually, the back-to-stock plugins only have support for the single product(product details) pages.

They don’t expect such options(swatches and the add to cart) on the archive pages.

If you have more questions or any confusion, please let us know.

Thank You