Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Small tiangle under color item

I have small triangles under color item on product page and I need to delete it, but I don’t find how to do it:



Best regards



Hakik Zaman

Hi Stephane,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please add the following CSS at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

.et_pb_wc_add_to_cart form.cart .variations td.value span.variable-item-span:after {
display: none !important;

Then check whether it resolves your issue or not. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Thanks a lot, it’s work

unfortunately I have same trouble concerning other variation (dia filament):


And I have other question, is it possible to have one variation selected by default (1,75 mm for example) to don’t have to select always 2 variations (Diameter and colors, as 90 % of diameter is 1,75) ?

Many thanks




Hakik Zaman

Hi Stephane,

unfortunately I have same trouble concerning other variation (dia filament):

If you add the CSS snippet as I mentioned in my last reply, that will work for all the products. Please clear your caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache, and try again.

is it possible to have one variation selected by default (1,75 mm for example) to don’t have to select always 2 variations (Diameter and colors, as 90 % of diameter is 1,75) ?

Yes, it is a default feature of WooCommerce. You can set default values from here: https://paste.pics/NPXIU

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Thanks a lot, it works,

Sorry, unfortunately I have other trouble.

If I select a color on a product on the category product page, I can directly add it to the cart, no problem, but if I filtre the product (by manufacturer, color, etc..) it’s not possible to select any color of product and add it to cart directly , I must click on the “Choix des options” button and open the product page :

exemple at : https://creadil.com/categorie-produit/filaments/




Hakik Zaman

Hi Stephane,

We need an event from your filter plugin that should be triggered after new posts are loaded.

Just send this plugin to your plugin developer: https://wordpress.org/plugins/malinky-ajax-pagination/

And ask them to send triggers like the following as the Malinky Ajax Pagination plugin provides.

document.addEventListener(‘malinkyLoadPostsComplete’, function(e) {

Like this filter plugin: https://woocommerce.com/products/product-filters/

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){
// Your code in here
jQuery(window).on(‘wcpf_update_products’, function () {

Thank You


Answer of the plugin developper is

Hi Stephane,

Thank you for using our WooCommerce Product Filters. I’m happy to help you with the issue you have.

“We need an event from your filter plugin that should be triggered after new posts are loaded.”

We have several JS hooks that they can use:

wcpf.ready: Fires once the dom has finished loading.
wcpf.prefilled: Fires after a prefill request
wcpf.bypassedFilteringRequest: Allows for custom actions to be fired after the * ajax filtering request has been bypassed.
wcpf.beforeDomInjection: Allows for custom actions to be fired * just before the DOM is injected with the results
wcpf.filteringDone: Allows firing of custom actions after * the Ajax filtering request is complete

Based on your needs, I think the latest hook is suitable for you. You should use it like this:
wp.hooks.addAction( ‘wcpf.filteringDone’, ‘sample-namespace’, function(){
console.log( ‘New products loaded’ );
} );
Please let me know if this is helpful.



Hakik Zaman

Hi Stephane,

Please add a plugin called Code Snippets and add the following snippet using the plugin:

add_action('wp_footer', function(){
<script id="gwp-woopf">
wp.hooks.addAction( 'wcpf.filteringDone', 'sample-namespace', function(){
} );
}, 100);

Then check whether it resolves your issue or not. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You