Hi Peter,
We don’t charge VAT. Our payment gateway Paddle does that.
If you are eligible, you can ask for a VAT refund from them.
We will update your account and notify you.
Thank You
Hi Peter,
We don’t charge VAT. Our payment gateway Paddle does that.
If you are eligible, you can ask for a VAT refund from them.
We will update your account and notify you.
Thank You
Golam, Thx. But the problem is that the bill is not showing the VAT but the charge is incl VAT. So this fiscal inconsistency must be resolved and should not remain a problem of your customer. It is easy to tell the customer to contact paddle for the refund instead of initiating a proper workflow to avoid mistakes from you side. I’m not delighted with this.
Secondly: I missed your answer / solution on how to get the missing invoice to #131782. When will you update the account data (Order) for download of the bill. Normally, the account upd should be performed automatically within a (very) short period of time,
Regards Peter
Hi Peter,
Please check your account now.
The invoice should be available here: https://getwooplugins.com/my-account/orders/
I am sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced due to the payment gateway (Paddle).
It charges for the VAT applicable to your country. We don’t manage this.
Their support is also very active and helpful. Once you contact them, they should ensure a great experience for you.
If you need further assistance from me, please let me know.
Thank You
Invoice is not available for order #131782 and why charged with VAT?
Peter Wild
Problem with my account and 2 orders, something went wrong:
(1) As I remember, I did not order / reactivate nor prolongate the order for Variation Swatches Pro recently. However , I was charged with regard to Order #131782 via 2Checkout on Apr 11,2023. No tax charged, just $49. This is the information I also got under “orders> order 131782
ok. I don’t mind as I will try to use this plugin fo another year and to avoid adminstrative troubles to resolve.
However, the invoice is not yet available in my account (see att. image) and was not sent via mail
In the account “Downloads” the new licence key is not shown. please upd the database. Thx.
(2) I ordered Additional Variation Images under #gwp131773-2023

For this order I received an invoice $49 w/o tax included. Total price $49.
Today I checked my paypal account and foundout, that paddle.net charged me with an addional VAT of 9,31$ and a total of 58.31$.
Why VAT? I provided my VAT ID 8DE320236520 9: Why different handling of the two orders?
Please advice and help me to resolve. Thank you