Hi Daniel,
Please leave this option unchecked like this.
The attribute that you want to display as a drop-down, leave it as select.
Convert the others to button, color or image as you need.
Let me know if the issue is resolved.
Thank You
Hi Daniel,
Please leave this option unchecked like this.
The attribute that you want to display as a drop-down, leave it as select.
Convert the others to button, color or image as you need.
Let me know if the issue is resolved.
Thank You
Hi Daniel,
Convert the attributes like this: https://www.loom.com/share/ac1318cd8a454e13b6de6dc037b94248
Thank You
pero los productos estan creados en printful, y queria saber si era posible elegir a que productos puedo poner selector y a cuales boton, por que la opcion que me has dicho de los atributos lo podria hacer pero como ya he dicho no tengo los productos creados en wordpress.
Hi Daniel,
We have option to control this from the product level.
You will need the premium version of the plugin to enjoy the product level configuration.
Thank You
Daniel Clavero
Hello good, I have in my wordpress store some mobile phone cases and clothes and I would like to know how I can do that for clothing sizes is not dropdown and for mobile models this in dropdown, because in the plugin settings only lets you convert in general to dropdown or button.