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After WordPress update Swatches are not working

Martin Braut

Hi team,

I have updated Worpress to 6.2 and swatches are not displayed on pages, for example: https://shogazi.com/klappmatratzen/

Can you please resolve this issue?

Best regards

Hakik Zaman

Hi Martin,

Thanks for getting back to us. Can you please clear your caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache?

I have visited your given link to check. Fortunately, found everything well: https://paste.pics/MYG7J

Thank You

Martin Braut

Hi Hakik,

yes, it´s ok. Thanks a lot.

Best regards

Martin Braut

Hi team,

the plugin is not working correctly. Please can you check it again.

Best regards

Hakik Zaman

Hi Martin,

I have added the necessary product wrapper here: https://paste.pics/OLXCB

Will you please check and confirm if it is working as expected or not?

Please don’t forget to clear your caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache before checking.

Thank You