Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

zeynep onder


Below is the single product image before activating the Variation Images plugin.OriginalLook.jpg

This is after we activate the plugin: ( The writings shift to the right and the product image shrinks. when you select color options the product image is popping as well)



I have contacted the Theme for support. They have provided me with the following code:

#qodef-woo-page.qodef–single .qodef-woo-single-inner{
#qodef-woo-page.qodef–single .qodef-woo-single-inner .qodef-woo-single-image{


This moved the text more closer to the product image however the images are still popping when color option is selected and the original product image is very small.



Hope you can help me out with this problem.

problem product page:





password: $fxfmGN^VKMCZLJ3!jI$6VxX

Hakik Zaman

Hi zeynep,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please revise your login credentials.

It is not working from my side: https://paste.pics/MXKIB

Hope to hear from you soon!

zeynep onder

Could you please try the following login


Admin Username: Qode
Admin Password: svohtULWS6

Hakik Zaman

Hi zeynep,

Your theme customized the CSS pattern of the WooCommerce layout using flex and inline-block to beautify the layout. That’s why I have added the following code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

.single-product div.product {
display: block;
width: 100%;
position: relative;

#qodef-woo-page.qodef--single .qodef-woo-single-inner {
display: block;

#qodef-woo-page.qodef--single .qodef-woo-single-inner .qodef-woo-single-image{
width: 52.9411764706% !important;
float: left;

.single-product div.product .summary {
float: right;
width: 41.1764705882% !important;

Note: I didn’t remove the previous CSS you have [or, provided by the theme support]. I have just commented on them.

Please check now and let me know if it fits your need.

Thank You

zeynep onder


It looks great, thank you very much.

The only problem I saw is that when I load the page first time, the variations do not load until you click on a color option. Can that be fixed easily?

Hakik Zaman

Hi zeynep,

The only problem I saw is that when I load the page first time, the variations do not load until you click on a color option.

Our plugin adds facilities to display additional images of variation. So, after clicking on variations you will get a variation gallery. Before clicking on the variations you will get the product gallery.

So, please add images for the product gallery here: https://paste.pics/MYLO2

Then you will get product images on the first load of the product page.

BTW, We really get excited & honored when you use our plugin on your site.

If you found my support helpful, could you please leave your valuable review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woo-variation-gallery/reviews/?filter=5

Your rating keeps us inspired.

Thank You

zeynep onder


This is me: zisiege

I have rated you.

Thank you one more time for the great support.


Hope you have a great day!

Hakik Zaman

Hi zeynep,

Thank you so much for your kind words for us.

Please feel free to open a new ticket if you face any issues in the future.

Thanks again. Have a great day. 🙂