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eisha ahmed


Will I be able to receive recurring payments for auto-rewals of products via this plugin. Plus, this plugin was not updated since 2 years, so is it working fine with new versions of wordpresses. I am desperately seeking a way to get recurring payment from my verified 2 checkout account. Pls help.



Golam Kibria

Hi Eisha,

The plugin works fine.

Do you have a subscription plugin to receive recurring payments?

To get support for recurring payments you will need the premium version of the plugin.

Thank You

eisha ahmed

hello so I contacted woocommerce and they said “Indeed, 2checkout is not on a list of payment gateway plugins supported by WooCommerce Subscriptions:”
even if i get the plugin to recieve recurring payments it wont work

Golam Kibria

Hi Eisha,

They must be referring to their plugin.

We are using this plugin on our site with WooCommerce Subscriptions.

Thank You