Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now


The plugin is slowing all my product pages.



Golam Kibria

Hi Véronique,

We have added support for object cache (Redis).

Please try enabling Redis from your server.

Let us know if this helps.

Thank You

Didnt work. Ticket updated with admin creds.

a snipet is running to bypass a other problem a get with the ‘hide out of stock’ option.


Golam Kibria

Hi Véronique,

Thanks a lot for sharing the details.

Everything looks perfect except that your images are not optimized.

For example, the feature image for this product is 1.5 MB.

I would suggest optimizing the product for better performance.

Thank You

I aleady try without any images on the page and the first load is still really slow. I have enabled cache for loged in users as a temporary solution. Violation] ‘setTimeout’ handler took 61ms keep poping when loading your plugin .js . Tried to exclude it from mimify and caching without success. the snippet patch used to “solve” my problem only raise the load time and quantity limits. Lags started with the “out of stock” issue. Pages load without browser cache is +5sec. if I desactivate the plugin load time is 0.7 sec .


Unfortunatly no 🙁

Google search console show 12 url with more than 4 sec load time and 19.1 my two main product. Try the Montana Black 400ml and Montana Gold 400ml pages with a cleared cache. try the same with private browsing disconnected from WP console. I Tried on 5 computers located in 3 differents places. 5 to 25sec lt for the 1st load and everytime the browser cache is updated.


here a snippet i made to try to resolve issue in your js script. with cache its faster than ever. but the gain on cleared cache are tiny.. the script do to much request when the 1st call from cache plugin is made. so it slow the entire page caching.. exception made to to cache plugin do nothing better. the core problem is that your plugin alter the block structure of the page dynamically so nothing can be display before the plugin made all his calls to the stock table, image galerie etc .. 😉 i m pretty sure that if you complet this snippet with a ignore table value=0 on the stocks string call it will be much better. Their is no need to load all variation before structure page load too right ? Cause all the problems seems to start there.. let the structure load headers/footer and background image before loading any of your plugin display requests is surely the best solution. I Would be gratefull if you can complete the task. the last thing a try ( and fail ) is :

”// Disable WooCommerce block assets
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_blocks_frontend_asset_paths’, ‘disable_woocommerce_block_assets’ );
function disable_woocommerce_block_assets( $asset_paths ) {
if ( !is_admin() ) {
return array(); ”

Thanks for your help …



function optimize_paint_category_scripts() {
if ( is_product_category( ‘gold-and-black’ ) ) {

// Move JavaScript to bottom of the HTML document
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘move_js_to_bottom’, 9999 );
function move_js_to_bottom() {
global $wp_scripts;
$wp_scripts->add_data( ‘paint-optimization’, ‘group’, 1 );

// Avoid unnecessary DOM queries
$inline_script = ”
var button = document.querySelector(‘.add_to_cart_button’);

// Batch DOM updates
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();

// Use requestAnimationFrame()
function updateButton() {

wp_add_inline_script( ‘paint-optimization’, $inline_script );
add_action( ‘wp’, ‘optimize_paint_category_scripts’ );

Golam Kibria

Hi Véronique,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

If the latest update does not help, we will have to refund your purchase.

Thank You