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After click color swatches in Product archive page, image doesn’t change

Chencan Wang

After click color swatches in Product archive page, product image doesn’t change

hi, Already updated the site access, please help me to solve the problem again, thanks so much for your time

Hakik Zaman

Hi Chencan,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, I am unable to visit the login page: https://paste.pics/MC3K4

Can you please check and let me know? Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Chencan Wang

Sorry, we just changed domain, now I have updated the new domain, can you have look again now plz.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Chencan,

Thanks for checking. I have added the product wrapper and image selector here: https://paste.pics/MCTGT

Can you please check now? And don’t forget to clear your caches before checking.

From my end, it displays like this: https://paste.pics/MCTEB

Thank You

Chencan Wang

can you send me all the class selector  for image selector, I accidentially delete it, sorry

Hakik Zaman

Hi Chencan,

can you send me all the class selector  for image selector, I accidentially delete it, sorry

Unfortunately, it depends on the theme markup. So, I can’t give you specific selectors to work with.

Your given credentials are not working from my end.

Thank You

Chencan Wang

hi, Already updated the site access, please help me to solve the problem again, thanks so much for your time

Hakik Zaman

Hi Chencan,

Please check now and don’t forget to clear your caches before checking.

I have added the Product Wrapper and Image Selector.

Product Wrapper: .wvs-archive-product-wrapper, .wvs-pro-loaded

Image Selector: .wvs-archive-product-image:not(.pwb-brands-in-loop .wvs-archive-product-image)

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You