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I need to disable tooltip on archive

Hello I have 3 questions:

  1. I need to disable tooltip on archive while it is enable on product page.
  2. I need to choose one attribute to be shown on archive level. I know how to  do that. but the problem is I have different kind of product. for example for a sofa I want the fabric color to be shown on the archive page but for the dining tables I need the wood color to be shown on archive page.
  3. Is it possible to make the tooltip image clickable? to make it possible for the visitor to enlarge the tooltip image.


Golam Kibria

Hi Ali,

1) We don’t have any option to disable the tooltip only for the archive pages. Where can I find the swatches on your archive pages? We can try to disable them using CSS.

2) Did you try using the first attribute? Does it resolve the issue?

3) Currently, this is not possible. You can control the tooltip size from the Styling tab.

Thank You

Thank you for your help.

1 – CSS code would be great ! thank you . can you give me the CSS code?

2 – Good idea. I will use the first attribute service.

3 – Yes I am aware of that setting. It will be helpful if you could add this service to your plugin in the future.

Two new problems:

1 – I have some attributes that are marked as “Visible on the product page” but they are not marked as “Used for variations”  . this plugin do not change this dropdowns to swatches. what can I do?

2 – Since I activated the swatches on archive pages, my website went extremely slow. is there any solution ?

Thank you

Golam Kibria

Hi Ali,

Please try adding the following CSS to the customizer (Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS):

.archive .wvs-has-image-tooltip:hover:after, .archive .wvs-has-image-tooltip:hover:before, .archive [data-wvstooltip]:hover:after, .archive [data-wvstooltip]:hover:before { display: none; }

Let me know if this helps.

3. Please add a feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

Two new problems:

1-This is also not possible at this moment. Please add a feature request to the link above.

2-We have support for object caching (Redis). Please enable object caching from your server.

It will help with the loading.

Thank You

Thank you very much for your help. the CSS code works great !

for the caching (Redis) can you help me with settings? I use LiteSpeed Cache plugin



Golam Kibria

Hi Ali,

Please ask your hosting support to help you with this.

They should be able to give you the best direction with it.

Is there anything else we can do for you?

Thank You

Yes I have a problem with the tooltip size.

I need it to be large something around 400×400 . When I choose this size , it will affect the screen size on mobile devices. the screen size will be larger than the device actual screen size. so it will cause many many problems. What is the solution ? it is not possible to choose 400×400 ?

Golam Kibria

Hi Ali,

Can you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like Loom?

It helps me figure it out quickly.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Ali,

Unfortunately, you cannot individually control the image tooltip size for smaller devices at this moment.

Please add a feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

Thank You

Hi Golam,

No I don’t want to control the tooltip size individually for smaller devices. I want the tooltip image to be a size between 300×300 to 400×400 for all devices. but I need to keep the tooltip image in the screen. it will go out of the screen in small screens once I change the tooltip image size to a large size, and it cause the problem. can you write a CSS code or a snippet code that control the position of the tooltip image ? I just need to keep the tooltip image inside the screen horizontally. it goes out of the screen from left or right side of the screen that cause the problem.

Golam Kibria

Hi Ali,

We are sorry for the late response.

Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this because there are limitations.

We can try to help you reduce the image tooltip size for smaller devices.

Thank You

Hi Golam,

Please reply faster if you can not help, I was waiting for your reply hoping you would help.

I get the following code from ChatGPT, it works but there are a few problems it couldn’t solve.

the most important problem is that the tooltip image doesn’t scroll. it stays at the top of screen and doesn’t disappear. Here is the CSS code:

html, body {
overflow-x: hidden;

.wvs-has-image-tooltip:before {
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
z-index: 9999;

@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.wvs-has-image-tooltip:before {
position: fixed;
top: 30%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
z-index: 9999;

Golam Kibria

Hi Ali,

In our latest release, we have added an option to disable tooltips on archive pages.

You can remove the CSS and try this option.

Unfortunately, we cannot help you with the latest request.

Thank You