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Para compatibilidade de temas

hello everything is fine? I need help with theme compatibility. I installed it and the plugin did not appear on the product archive pages

Hakik Zaman

Hi isabela,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, your theme didn’t include the standard hooks of WooCommerce.

From my inspection, you are using a parent theme on your site. To modify it and make it compatible, we need to add some custom code inside your theme. Adding additional code inside a parent theme is not a wise decision. Because once you update your theme all the custom code will be replaced with the new code of your theme.

So, I am suggesting you create a child theme. If you have purchased the theme from Themeforest, there should be a child theme included. If not, you can also create a child theme using this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/child-theme-configurator/

Then create a folder called woocommerce inside your child theme. Copy the content-product.php file from the parent theme. Here is the path of the file: minimog > woocommerce > content-product.php

Paste the copied file inside the newly created folder woocommerce inside your child theme.

Then let me know so that I can add some additional code to get it to work.

BTW, I can insert the code inside your parent theme but you will face the issue again once you update your theme. I know the process is long from your side but we are thinking about your convenience.

I hope you will understand.

Thank You

Thanks for the suggestion!
The Child Theme was created and the file was also copied in the “woocommerce” folder



Hakik Zaman

Hi isabela,

I have updated the content-product.php file. Please check whether now swatches are visible or not. Here is the screenshot of how it looks like from my end: https://prnt.sc/dbvNBXSTkZIY

For your information, after clicking on the load more button the swatches will not be clickable. To get it to work we need an event from the load more (plugin/theme).

Just send this plugin to your plugin/theme developer: https://wordpress.org/plugins/malinky-ajax-pagination/

And ask them to send triggers like the following as the Malinky Ajax Pagination plugin provides.

document.addEventListener(‘malinkyLoadPostsComplete’, function(e) {

Note: It will work correctly if you use normal pagination.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Great, thank you very much!

I’ll pass it on to my theme support.
For the time being I will follow your suggestion to use as “normal pagination”

Another doubt of mine is how do I not show the color variation?? , I’m sending a print to show:


Support for my theme cannot help.
I tried normal pagination and that didn’t work either.

is there any way for you to help me so that the plugin can work?

Hakik Zaman

Hi isabela,

Another doubt of mine is how do I not show the color variation??

Please check this tutorial: https://youtu.be/r1DIlBSJI5o

I tried normal pagination and that didn’t work either. is there any way for you to help me so that the plugin can work?

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like a loom?
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi isabela,

You have selected global attributes and added custom attributes for the products. That’s why the option is not working.

Please check this screencast: https://www.loom.com/share/13966f357c5f47429dae0c7ab834c012

Another problem I am having is about the pagination

After clicking the pagination the products are coming through AJAX. You have to use traditional page reload pagination to get it to work.

I hope it will clear up your confusion. Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi isabela,

The products are loaded by your theme/plugin when you use AJAX pagination.

We need a trigger to load swatches after being loaded by AJAX. Please contact your theme regarding a trigger so that we can help.

Thank You


The problem is that the theme does not support plugins that are not indicated by them. The theme cannot help me.

I need to finalize the site and I was counting on the help of GetWooPlugins. On the GetWooPlugins home page, it says
Countless Theme Compatibility
The codebase of GetWooPlugins is designed to work seamlessly with any themes you use and love.

I asked again for help with the topic, with the latest information you gave me. I will wait and come back with the answer.



Theme support got back to me with this message, https://prnt.sc/PAeI3hji5t1-



“I will notice the team to check if possible but we can not promise anything now.

We still recommend working with plugin author for all better helps.


Hakik Zaman

Hi isabela,

Thanks for contacting theme support. Unfortunately, the products are loaded by the theme.

In standard WooCommerce, the product loads by refreshing the page. It is a good practice to keep an event when they are changing the normal behavior of WooCommerce.

BTW, I have added a snippet inside your child theme’s functions.php. Please check now and don’t forget to clear your caches (for example- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache) before checking.

Now it is working as expected from my side. Here is a screencast: https://www.loom.com/share/69e3217081044b38ba582829c9085ed5

Thank You