Hi isabela,
Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, your theme didn’t include the standard hooks of WooCommerce.
From my inspection, you are using a parent theme on your site. To modify it and make it compatible, we need to add some custom code inside your theme. Adding additional code inside a parent theme is not a wise decision. Because once you update your theme all the custom code will be replaced with the new code of your theme.
So, I am suggesting you create a child theme. If you have purchased the theme from Themeforest, there should be a child theme included. If not, you can also create a child theme using this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/child-theme-configurator/
Then create a folder called woocommerce inside your child theme. Copy the content-product.php file from the parent theme. Here is the path of the file: minimog > woocommerce > content-product.php
Paste the copied file inside the newly created folder woocommerce inside your child theme.
Then let me know so that I can add some additional code to get it to work.
BTW, I can insert the code inside your parent theme but you will face the issue again once you update your theme. I know the process is long from your side but we are thinking about your convenience.
I hope you will understand.
Thank You
Para compatibilidade de temas
isabela vendrame
hello everything is fine? I need help with theme compatibility. I installed it and the plugin did not appear on the product archive pages