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Hello, I would like to know if Woo variation Swatches can support more than 50 variations per product,

Or what can I do to add amounts, because I have an online shop of art, and products have more than 50 variations.

Please tell me what I can do for adding more variations, please.

Rezwan Shiblu

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Can you please temporarily deactivate our Swatches plugin and check if it happens without our plugin or not?

Thank You.

Hello I already have made more than 50 variations I add some code in file manager.

Now I am having technical problems I will send you code, can we continue conversation in this ticket reply?

Error Details
An E_ERROR error occurred on line 185 of the file /home/renoirfi/domains/renoirfineart.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-variation-swatches/includes/class-woo-variation-swatches-manage -cache.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_parent_id() on bool in /home/renoirfi/domains/renoirfineart.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-variation-swatches/includes/class-woo-variation -swatches-manage-cache.php:185
Stack trace:
#0 /home/renoirfi/domains/renoirfineart.com/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): Woo_Variation_Swatches_Manage_Cache->clear_cache_on_product_modify(2041)
#1 /home/renoirfi/domains/renoirfineart.com/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
#2 /home/renoirfi/domains/renoirfineart.com/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#3 /home/renoirfi/domains/renoirfineart.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-variable-data-store-cpt.php(674): do_action( ‘woocommerce_bef…’, 2041)
#4 /home/renoirfi/domains/renoirfineart.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-data-store.php(224): WC_Product_Variable_Data_Store_CPT->delete_variations(‘1992’, t

Rezwan Shiblu

Hi there,
Could you record your issue using a tool like this? useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue and address it immediately.
