Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
It’s a pro feature to display the variation swatches on a product archive page so you should use the pro beside free version.
Thank you.
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
It’s a pro feature to display the variation swatches on a product archive page so you should use the pro beside free version.
Thank you.
Show variations on shop archive
Lore Goethals
Dear support
I would need to display the variation swatches on a product archive page (shop page), but this is not happening while I’m using the free version of the plugin where the checkbox is checked by default. I’m using a child theme of the bb-theme (Beaver Builder) but this also does not work when I switch to the parent theme. What is the possible cause? The site is still locally under development so I cannot give you access.
Kind regards,