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Compatibility with Any “Linked Variations” Plugins?

I’m looking for a Variation Swatches plugin such as yours that works with “Linked Variations”. A linked variation are two separate WooCommerce products that are linked together by a particular Attribute. Is your plugin compatible with any of the following plugins so that swatches for “Linked Variations” would appear on a Shop or Category page alongside swatches for regular WooCommerce variations and allow quickly adding a product to the cart?





If your Pro plugin integrated with any of these so that I could click swatches under a product on a Shop or Category page to view “Linked Variations” just like regular WooCommerce variations, I’d buy it in a heartbeat!

Golam Kibria

Hi Robert,

I have created the following test environment for you:

User: admin
Pass: Gv60JgdiA#Py!y8Vdq

I will do the necessary setup so we can verify if the plugins are compatible.

Let me know when you have the chance to check this.

Thank You

Thank you so much for setting this up! I’ve tested it a bit and it does appear that although the linked variations appear related by the attribute on the individual Product Page (I used “Color” to link the two products), the swatches for Color do not appear in the Shop or Category listings


I would love to have it possible for the swatches for Linked Variations to appear on archive pages just as they do on single product pages. This would enable someone to find a clothing item that they like, choose a size and color (even if it was a linked variation) and purchase the item right from the shop or archive page.

Would that be possible to accomplish with some code?

Golam Kibria

Hi Robert,

Unfortunately, this will not be possible.

I am removing the demo site 🙁

Thanks a lot for your understanding.

Thank You