Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Can’t get it to work on one page

Eric Embacher

For some reason my swatches won’t display on this page. It was working fine earlier. The page didn’t change, but now the swatches don’t appear, just a dropdown for the variations. It still works fine on other pages with variations, just this page seems to be affected.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Eric,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please make sure, you have a server-side caching facility or not.

If so, please flush the cache and clear transient from here and other caches like the browser cache and check again.

Thank You

Eric Embacher

I’ve cleared all transients, flushed the server cache and cleared the browser cache (even tried in Incognito mode and a different browser). No difference.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Eric,

Will you please temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme for a test?

You can use Health Check & Troubleshoot plugin to do this task. In this case, you will not lose any data or setup during this test.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Eric Embacher

The problem still occurs when I switch to the “Twenty Twenty-three” theme. I also disabled all plugins except Woocommerce and yours. Variation swatches were still working fine on all pages except for this one page.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Eric,

Will you please help us to replicate your issue on our end?

So that, I can send it to our development team to check.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Eric Embacher

I’ve determined the problem on my own. There is a bug in the plugin that prevents it from working if the product is categorized into more than one category. PLEASE FIX ASAP.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Eric,

We have no connection with the category. So, it shouldn’t happen.

It will be great if you give us a staging where we can inspect the issue.

We can also give you a staging site. Please let me know your thought.

Thank you

Eric Embacher

I have created a staging site for you. Login here: https://h0k45o92b5-staging.onrocket.site/wp-admin/?wtlwp_token=b68b1397ca503e25b0c11d4b6c84e0d5be88ae4525c4cb9ce10bbaf7dc022b2c77bf7a00a32e5b388821c9678d1d8f3daf58bac1a43aade146bb14593cb5460e (no pw needed).

The problem can be seen on the same product: https://h0k45o92b5-staging.onrocket.site/product/deck-cover-grip-tape/

It is currently in 3 different categories. You’ll see that if you remove it from 2 of the categories, it works fine.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Eric,

You have already excluded one category- Parts from the plugin settings- https://prnt.sc/Fxvi40Vz-Nsi

And saying the plugin is not working 😲 ? The plugin is working as you configured 😉

Thank You

Eric Embacher

Yep, that was it. This would have been a lot more helpful 4 days ago. I had no idea this setting was there (obviously I was the one who set it, but that was a long time ago and I’m nearly as familiar with your plugin as you). A suggestion  of “are you excluding the product’s category in the settings” would have helped a lot before.


Thanks anyway.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Eric,

It is a new feature and you can exclude categories to hide swatches from there.

It can also be excluded using a PHP snippet. So, I had to inspect all the possible aspects.

BTW, glad to know it is resolved.

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