Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Brooke Parker

We just updated our Plugin, and it broke our Variation Swatch Images.

On any item that has more than one Variant the Swatch Image is no longer being displayed on the Shop/Archive Page. We did not make any changes to the settings or the products themselves. Just updated the Plugin. It was displaying the Variation Image as the Swatch until we ran this last update. Now they are displaying as drop down boxes. See here: https://www.screencast.com/t/HBh37KkZ

See product settings: https://www.screencast.com/t/jIMguV1Yxv (note, all Variants have an image assigned)

Just to make sure you understand, we have 1000’s of products that were using these same settings, and they were all working correctly until we updated the plugin.  And these same settings are working fine on products that only have 1 variant like this one: https://www.screencast.com/t/31Y2Xebwyil

It only broke the ones that are using 2 or more variants.

Brooke Parker

Hi Golam,

Yes, I always get that error too after clearing my cookies, just enter it again, it always lets you in on the second attempt.

We have never had to place the Color Attribute at the first position. And this would require a lot of work, as we have over 4000 items that use 2+ variants. We also do not prefer the way that looks on the Product Page, and our designers would have to re-format the product page because we have a custom field that displays sizing charts and measurement for specific items and that custom link gets displayed next to our size option which is on the first position. This was not a problem until we ran an update.  Do you guys make changes on the Main Settings that made this happen.  We would appreciate a solution that does not account to hours of work on updating products and re-designing our templates.

Brooke Parker

Please assist. I Updated my ticket 24 hours ago and did not get a response.

Golam Kibria

Hi Brooke,

We are sorry for the inconvenience and the late response.

You really have lots of products. Will you please give us links to some products that have multiple(two attributes).

I will wait for your response.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Brooke,

I have tested this locally and everything worked perfectly with this setting.

This can be a caching issue on your end.

Will you please check if you have server-side cache enabled?

If you do, please try clearing the cache.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Brooke Parker

Hi Golam ,

I had our development team clear the server cache and the problem still exists. I think the setting that is not working anymore is the one under Special Attributes>Single Variation Image Preview>Choose Attribute. We had that set to our attribute of “Color”.  And when you switch it to First Attribute it does start displaying those variant swatch images on the Archive Pages. But like I stated, we have thousands of products and the Attribute of Color is in the second position on all of them. Our developers also custom coded a sizing chart in that template which is in the First Attribute. So they would have to move that as well.

So it seems quite obvious that after we updated your plugin, the feature of being able to select whatever attribute you want, does not work anymore. And it seems like a lot less work for you guys just to fix what you broke, rather than us spending countless hours re-designing and re-sorting products.

Golam Kibria

Hi Brooke,

I have tried to reproduce the issue locally but did not happen on our end.

Please try to reproduce the issue on the following staging site:

User: admin
Pass: x1s(14agAD&trL14X^

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Brooke Parker

Hi Golam,

I tested this on your staging site, and it is behaving the same as ours, when you select the same settings. I understand that you are trying to state that we must have the Color in the First Position in order for this to work. But this was not true before we ran our last update of the Plugin… And it will takes us hours to go fix all those since WooCommerce does not have a way for you to resort attributes via spreadsheet. Looks like you have to go manually drag and drop inside every item.

So it is obviously an issue with your plugin settings, and or something you changed on how your settings behave.

Let’s start from the beginning. Before we udpated our Plugin all of Our Color Swatches were showing on the Shop/Archive Page, no matter if they were in the First Position, Second, Or Third Position. Because in the Main Settings we had it set to use our attribute of  “Color” not “First Attribute”, as the Swatch Image on the Archive Page. And on every item settings, we also have them set to Use Variant Image if available as Swatch Image. What is the point of being able to select the “Color” option in the Main Settings, if it doesn’t do anything?

Again, please advise what changed, and how we can fix this?


Brooke Parker

I watched that video and I do not understand how you can say that the Catalog Mode works.

In the last section of your video when you switched the setting from First Attribute to Color, why then did the T-Shirt Labeled (size attribute on First Position) NOT display the Variation Images. You have the Global setting to display Variation Image if available. I checked that product and it does have Variation Images assigned to it. And it still only displays the color  buttons instead of the images.  Which is the same issue we are having.

Are you trying to say that the only way to display a Color Variation Image is if it is set to “First Attribute” Because if so, like I have stated 10 times already, This was not the case before we updated the plugin. And it will take us 80+ hours to manually adjust all our colors to the first attribute.

Golam Kibria

Hi Brooke,

Unfortunately, this is how it works now.

If you want I can send you the older version of the plugins (stable versions before version 2).

Thank You